Pretty amazing ...
By Larry Barrett
New York Life Insurance Company said its individual life insurance sales rose 24% in the first quarter, helping the firm garner 12.1% of the overall market share among life insurance providers."
First, is a general desire to see an investment repay itself within five years. Second is a desire to have a fall back position in the way of liquidation should an acquisition not work out as planned. These can be represented by two rules.Read the entire piece at the website of The Podolny Group, Inc.
When Mrs. Shurtz died in 2002, her 87.6% limited partnerships interest was valued at just over $6.1 million and her general partnership interest at $73,500. Because her estate plan disbursed nearly its total value – over $8.7 million – to qualified marital and other trusts, her estate claimed that no estate taxes were due.
... the court found that the FLP “was carried out in the way that ordinary parties to a business transaction would do business with each other.”... with no additional estate taxes due.From an article on the website of Kotzin Valuation Partners, LLC.